Missions are a very large part of what we do.  Currently we created an INDSPIRE Mission table where beautifully created donated items are up for sale and the proceeds are used to encourage our Indigenous people to complete their schooling and go into professions that will enrich their lives.

We also oversee the regular Coffee & Muffins Day gathering which is held every third Thursday from 1000 to 11:30 in the church hall.  It’s a great way for anyone to have a coffee and a chat!

We also help out with the regular coffee time after Sunday services where coffee, treats, monthly birthday cake and sometimes soup is provided to all who want to attend.

The group also provides receptions for Celebrations of Life, Baptisms and Birthdays.

We also take an active part in our Spring Yard Sale and help where we can with any other activity in the church.

Our group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30.