Footsteps of Jesus

Here are a few pictures of Rev Morley Mitchell & Barb Mitchell’s trip ‘Following the Footsteps of Jesus’ in Israel.


WE ARE HERE! Letters from Israel – January 29

first day


Letters from Israel – January 30

Today (Jan 30) we saw 
The Church of the Beatitudes

Rode on the Sea of Galilee

Climbed Mt Arabel
Ate at Mangled
Visited Capernaum


mt arabel morleys trip

Feb1 Feb2(3) FEb1(8) FEb1(7) Feb1(6) Feb1(5) Feb1(4) Feb1(2)

Letters from Israel – Jan 31

Today we saw
The Church of the Beatitudes
Rode on the Sea of Galilee
Climbed Mt Arabel
Ate at Mangled
Visited Capernaum

mt arabel2


Feb1-set3(8) Feb1-set3(7)

Visiting the head waters of the Jordan and the Ancient city of Dan

Letters from Israel – Feb 1

Today we saw the head waters of the Jordan
Abraham’s gate at Tell Dan
The Crusader Fort Nimrod
Looked out to see Lebanon
Stood on the Golan Heights to look over Syria and hear the sounds of gun fire

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Letters from Israel – Feb 2

Today we were at the Jordan River
Explored Qumran
And Floated in the Dead Sea

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Letters from Israel Feb 3, 2015

What we saw today:


On the Jericho Road

Camel riding


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Feb 4

What we saw today:

City of David

Pool of Siloam

The Temple Steps

The Western wall

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Letters from Israel Feb 5, 2015

What we saw today:

Mount of Olives

Church of Christ’s tears

Chaiphas’ s House

Upper Room & St Ann’s Church

Via Delorosa & Golgath & The Sepulchre

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